Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nikhil Kamath Scholarship

Hello all,

UPDATE(22/12/09): Cheques, if drawn, should be in favour of “K.N.Ramachandran” with the account number mentioned. A small mistake was made as the name of the account was not set to “Nikhil Kamath Scholarship Fund”. The account number is required, since there are two accounts in my name at SBI-IITM.

The plan for the scholarship in Nikhil's name is beginning to take shape. An account has been created for this purpose at State Bank of India, IIT Madras. It is now open for donations :).

The account details are included as an image below (for security purposes).

Updated Account Details. Please click on the picture for a better version

You may have many questions regarding the scholarship. The relevant documents have been prepared and the links are given below. The pertaining documents are:

1) FAQ on the scholarship (includes the account details) - Get it here.

2) Scholarship Corpus Details - Take it here.

3) Scholarship criteria and covering letter -Well, here.

The ZIP file containing all the above files can also be got, here.

The files are actually hosted at MediaFire. I am sorry if you get any annoying popups as I only have a free account. Hope the downloads go smoothly :) .

Any comments/suggestions to improve or speed up the process are gladly welcome. Please go through the documents to clarify any questions you may have and you can contact V.M.Avinass Kumar (avinasskumar [at] gmail [dot] com) or K.N.Ramachandran (knram06 [at] gmail [dot] com) for any unanswered questions.

Please note that contributions are welcome from anyone, not just PSBBians. Donators may like to keep in mind that the scholarship, however, will be given to deserving candidates among PSBB students only.

Thank You.

UPDATE:(15/12/09): The Google spreadsheet link is given here.