Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Remember Nikhil

Unfairness slaps your face in a way that you cant react to it. Nothing can compare to the loss of probably one of the most brilliant young minds in our country today. We can only mourn and strive to hold on to the memories we have of that soft spoken, humble, yet confident boy who is now immortalised as the boy who had just started out, only to have his life unjustly snatched away from him. He did everything right. He used every opportunity he got and led the ideal life we all should have. He was on all the rolls of honour everywhere he went. He made us get used to seeing a familiar face in the newspaper every week. He made people who had never spoken to him know that there was a higher plane and it was not unreachable. And yet his life was cut short mercilessly despite whatever is supposed to be watching over us.
While we all seek each other out to reminisce the immaculate life of our 22 year old friend, I cannot help but feel obliged to repeat to myself and everybody else around. He was doing everything he had to.
We must remember Nikhil.
I pray for his family and can never fully express the angst, from any of us.
Rest in Peace, Nikhil.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. I agree- we must remember Nikhil. We will.
